How To Make It Through Situations That Make You Feel Scared or Confused You’ll Make the Wrong Choice8/15/2015 1. Hear her? She’s tiny. That’s your little voice. Believe it or not, she knows what’s best for you. Always did. So you better listen to her or you’ll hear her again later.
2. Make the wrong choice (in your mind). Then make the other wrong choice. In which scenario did you die? In which scenario were you still alive? 3. For example, imagine all the different outcomes based on the different choice(s) that you’re contemplating (e.g. new job, new city, new house, new lover). The choice that you keep coming back to you in your mind is the choice that you want to make. Once you accept this, you’ll have to trust that everything after this will work itself out (because you’ll really want it to). 4. If this fails, call all your friends and get feedback on which choice they think you should make, based on the fact they obviously know you so well and what you’d like. Then make the opposite choice. Call them a few years later when you’re feeling joy or regret from the choice that you made. 5. Figure out what matters to you most. You can’t have everything (if you can, please give me a call me to let me know how I can have this too). 6. Pray to your Higher Power for guidance. 7. Trust that you’ll be able to make the right choice, even if it’s a different choice from the one you initially make, when the time calls for it. ***This advice is brought to you by lessons learned from deciding when to quit my job, where to go for grad school, and when to end toxic relationships. Life is just a roller coaster. If you don’t want it to end, just keep swimming.
It was a Friday afternoon and I decided that I'd go to P-Town for the weekend without having a place to stay. Lessons learned:
1. Don’t do it. You’ll be mad at yourself as soon as you get there. 2. The Chamber of Commerce is great. But the listings available may or may not be your saving grace. Some *unnamed* bed & breakfast owners will say that they only want to rent to someone who’s going to stay longer than a day, even if the sun is about to set on that same freaking day and they still don’t have anyone else to reserve it for. Pray to God that they won’t find anyone at all so they realize how stupidly flawed their economics are and hope to God that you will find someone who will let you book a room just for that day, as in the next 5 minutes. 3. Bring fucking layers. As in for all the seasons, especially in summer. Because if you don’t, you will be spending all this money you don’t have to, just to buy clothes you already have, like leggings and a sweater. Be that person who packs 5 outfits just for a 24-hour trip. You’ll be glad you did. 4. Pedicabs are free (if you want them to be!) “The customer decides the price.” And is it bad that I enjoyed being taken around like a princess by someone who was working hard tooth & nail to transport my heavy self behind them on a bike? 5. The pizza place across from the Pied Bar is not the only pizza place in town. So please, don’t deny yourself the opportunity of eating better pizza by forgetting that there are other pizza places nearby. 6. Don’t stay in a hostel or even think about staying at one, if you can afford not to. Trust me, it’s not worth it (and the hostel in town is far, as in a few, long, hilly blocks farther away from everything else happening in the center of town). 7. Spend at least 3 days there. You don’t want to have to do endless walking around trying to see and do everything on your travel days. And it’s no fun getting your period on the return part of your 24-hour trip. 8. Find a place to stay as soon as you’re even thinking of going, (i.e. months in advance) and book that shit right away. This is especially true if it's in high season (i.e. the summer.), although you might be lucky if it's a spur of the moment decision (which I also made) in say, May. 9. If you can find someone to stay with FOR FREE, your trip is already that much better & hundreds of dollars cheaper. 10. Go with a friend or friends. Part of you will be glad you did. Or, you’ll just be like me and make a video of your every move that you probably will never show to anyone, but will make you feel somewhat comforted that you did share a significant part of your life with another, even if it’s just your Iphone. 11. Avoid The Canteen during lunchtime on Sunday. Like the plague. 12. Bring lots of bottles of water. You don’t want to have to buy what you already have at home in one of those overpriced restaurants, especially after you realize that they’re easily making $48 in profit off a case that would only cost you $5 in the supermarket. 13. After all is said & done, and you can finally take a breather from the frenzy of the above, eat, watch tv, walk around, take pictures, and be merry. |
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